It is essential to catch dental problems early before they become severe. During your dental appointment, the dentist will be able to point out cavities that may be developing or teeth that may be growing poorly. However, on some occasions, something may happen to your teeth that may cause you to need emergency dental services. For instance, a toothache may be caused by something other than a cavity. Here are some signs and symptoms of why you may need emergency dental services for your toothache.
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As professionals who specialise in oral health, dentists tackle infections every day. However, that doesn't mean that every oral infection you encounter should be taken to your nearest dental clinic. Here are four that your dentist should be able to treat.
Oral thrush may leave you with symptoms such as not being able to taste food properly, pain in your mouth and white patches along your tongue, gums and uvula.
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Having gleaming white teeth is a real confidence-booster, helping you to feel confident smiling in photos and meeting new people. However, keeping your teeth white can be quite difficult. This guide explains three different ways you can keep your teeth looking white and healthy.
Use Whitening Toothpaste or Mouthwash
There are many whitening products that you can buy, from toothpaste to mouthwash. Using these products is a great way to incorporate gentle whitening into your life, as you'd be taking care of your teeth anyway.
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Almost everyone wants their teeth to be bright and white, but many people are not sure how they can achieve that outcome. From teeth whitening treatments to adopting a stain-avoiding lifestyle, there are many things you can do to help your smile stay white. Here are a few of the most effective tips.
1. Schedule Regular Professional Teeth Whitening Treatments
Professional teeth whitening is by far the most effective method of removing stains from your teeth so they look whiter when you smile.
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Is your breath starting to smell a little pungent? Although what you're experiencing is common, it certainly isn't pleasant. Bad breath can leave you feeling self-conscious and it can act as a sign of an underlying problem. By understanding some of its common causes, you can figure out how to fix them.
Dehydrating Food and Drink
If you're using coffee to get you through the day and you love to add salt to your food, you're probably contributing to your bad breath.
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