A Succinct Overview Of What You Should Know About Root Canals

A good number of people have a tangible fear of visiting the dentist. And if these individuals need to see a dentist for a procedure such as a root canal, the mere thought of it could be scary enough to make them shudder. However, dental procedures are there to ensure your oral health is maintained and work to provide you relief from debilitating pain. Thus, while a procedure such as a root canal therapy could seem to be terrifying at the onset, the basis of this unfounded fear could be attributed to the fact that you are not aware of what goes into the procedure and why you must get this treatment. Read More 

How to Choose the Right Number of Porcelain Veneers

If you aren't satisfied with your teeth in your smile, porcelain veneers will be a good investment. The question is; how many veneers should you get? Though this is a simple question, the answer isn't as simple as you might think. A number of factors will affect your final decision when deciding on how many porcelain veneers you should go for. Check the Width of Your Smile Do you know what a buccal corridor is? Read More 

5 Features Your Electric Toothbrush Needs

A huge range of electric toothbrushes are available to buy, which can make it difficult to decide which one is right for you. When faced with long lists of features, it can be difficult to know which ones are the most important to look for in a new electric toothbrush. Here are five features that you should ensure your electric toothbrush has. 1. Two-Minute Timer Dentists recommend brushing teeth for at least two minutes to remove plaque and traces of food from all your teeth. Read More 

Dental Implants Explained

A smile can say a lot about your mood. Smiling often at people, whether they're known to you or strangers, gives a warm reception and makes you approachable. That is psychology 101. Some of you may detest smiling mainly due to having teeth that are missing, chipped or stained. Whatever your case may be, any of these conditions can make you feel justified in hiding your dental formula or covering your mouth anytime you grin. Read More 

Dental Appointment No-Shows: Why Some People Don’t Turn Up for Regular Dental Check-Ups

A rule of thumb is to visit your general dentist every six months for preventative oral care services. These services are designed to help you keep your mouth healthy and prevent dental disease and infections from wreaking havoc in your mouth. Unfortunately, many people don't see their dentist for preventative services. They wait until they have a dental problem or are facing a dental emergency to seek out the dentist. What are some of the common reasons for this trend? Read More