A Succinct Overview Of What You Should Know About Root Canals

A good number of people have a tangible fear of visiting the dentist. And if these individuals need to see a dentist for a procedure such as a root canal, the mere thought of it could be scary enough to make them shudder. However, dental procedures are there to ensure your oral health is maintained and work to provide you relief from debilitating pain. Thus, while a procedure such as a root canal therapy could seem to be terrifying at the onset, the basis of this unfounded fear could be attributed to the fact that you are not aware of what goes into the procedure and why you must get this treatment. If it is your first time having to receive a root canal, here is a succinct overview of what you should know about this dental therapy.

What does a root canal entail?

This procedure derives its name from the part of your tooth that contains pulp. If the pulp is to acquire an infection, it becomes inflamed and can cause you extreme pain. Thus, if you have been suffering from excruciating tooth pain and your dentist finds that the pulp has become infected then a root canal becomes the best course of action. Once local anaesthesia has been administered to the affected area, the dentist will begin by opening up the affected tooth. The pulp is then extracted carefully to ensure that all infected parts are eliminated from your tooth. Your dentist will then thoroughly clean the remaining tooth and replace the extracted pulp with a compound that functions to retain the integrity of the damaged tooth.

Why would you require root canal therapy?

Root canal treatment is imperative once the pulp has become infected. Nonetheless, the reason why the pulp is infected in the first place will vary. For instance, you may have a decaying tooth but put off getting the cavity filled. The longer the decay is left untreated, the higher the likelihood that the pulp will become infected too. Another reason why you could end up requiring root canal therapy is when your tooth is exposed to trauma. For instance, if you end up with a crack in your tooth and do not seek the right treatment, bacteria could make its ways through the crack and into the pulp.

Can the treatment be postponed?

The moment you require root canal therapy, you should have it performed immediately. Leaving the infected pulp in place can cause a host of additional oral problems. A typical consequence is an infection spreading to the root of your tooth and this will necessitate extraction of the entire tooth. Therefore, if you do not want to pay for expensive tooth replacement options, you should have the root canal treatment performed immediately.
