4 Signs You’re Suffering From Dry Socket Syndrome

Having a tooth extracted can be a stressful experience, but most patients will make a complete recovery without experiencing any complications. However, one complication you might face is known as 'dry socket syndrome'. Known medically as alveolar osteitis, dry socket syndrome occurs when the blood clot that should form at the extraction site either does not develop or comes out. When this happens, the bone and nerve endings underneath will be exposed.

If this happens, you should see a dentist as soon as possible to prevent further complications and get relief. They will be able to cover the extraction site with medicated gauze and numb the area to help control discomfort and encourage new tissue growth.

It helps to have this done without delay, so here are just four signs you may be suffering from dry socket syndrome.

1. Pain

When the underlying bone and nerves are exposed, you're likely to experience severe pain that starts a couple of days after the tooth was removed and continues to get worse. Patients often describe this as a dull and throbbing or sharp and stabbing pain, and it will usually be aggravated further by eating or placing any pressure on the affected area. As the pain grows worse, it's common to feel it spreading to your jaw and the side of your face.

2. Bad Breath

When the clot that is supposed to protect the socket either comes loose or fails to develop, small bits of food debris can become trapped within the extraction site. This food will then start to fester, so you may notice that your breath becomes unpleasant after having a tooth extracted, regardless of how much you brush or how good your oral health is.

3. Bad Taste

If dry socket syndrome is causing you to suffer from bad breath, you're also likely to suffer from a persistent bad taste. The same festering food that can create bad breath may also release unpleasant tastes into your mouth, especially when bacteria also invade. This is something you're most likely to experience on the side of your mouth where the tooth was extracted.

4. Noticeable Hole

It's not always possible to see that a clot has come away, but you may sometimes be able to perform a quick visual inspection. If bone is visible at the extraction site, you should see an emergency dentist without delay. You may also be able to feel a hole with your tongue. However, you shouldn't poke around the area too much since doing so can cause a clot to come away.

Contact an emergency dental care provider to learn more. 
