Don’t Fall For These Common Misconceptions About Going to the Dentist

It's usually recommended that adults see their dentist every year or even more often; your own dentist, someone from a place like The Happy Tooth Kurri Kurri, can tell you when you should be visiting his or her office, depending on the condition of your teeth and any risk factors to your oral health, such as smoking. However, you may never get that recommendation if you don't go to their office in the first place! Note some common misconceptions many people have about their dentist, so you can discuss your concerns with him or her and ensure you always have a bright and healthy smile.

Only cosmetic dentists can perform cosmetic work

Many general dentists can whiten your teeth with a bleaching agent. A dentist may also be skilled in adding a bonding agent, which is a type of putty that gets shaped and formed over a tooth. This bonding can make undersized teeth look normal and in line with other teeth. Some dentists can also outfit you with partial dentures, to fill in spaces where teeth are missing. Ask your dentist about what procedures they can perform, rather than assuming you need to find a cosmetic dentist in order to have a beautiful smile.

The dentist will judge you

Dentists are very accustomed to people neglecting their oral health and to finding cavities, erosion, and other damage that could have been avoided. They are also accustomed to their patients avoiding a visit to the dentist until it's absolutely necessary! While you don't want to put off your standard dental visits, you shouldn't let fear of their opinion keep you from getting checkups, as your dentist is there to protect your teeth and keep them healthy, not make judgements about their condition.

White teeth mean they're healthy

White teeth simply mean teeth that are not stained; it doesn't mean that they're truly healthy! Bright white teeth can still have cavities developing, or other erosion forming on their surface. If this erosion is left unchecked, it can cause damage and eventual tooth loss.

Note, too, that very white teeth can still be crooked, and crooked teeth can cause erosion, as they rub against each other. Dentists also examine the entire mouth during a check-up, not just your teeth. A dentist will look for signs of an oral infection or oral cancer, and other such conditions that don't affect the colour of the teeth, but which need to be treated as quickly as possible.
