Which Existing Conditions Can Cause Gums to Bleed?

Bleeding gums are one of the first warning signs of gum disease, so you should make an appointment with your dentist if blood starts to appear. This is the same for everyone, but certain people are more susceptible.


During pregnancy, your hormones can make you crave odd foods, experience mood swings, and generally leave you feeling a little bewildered. Unfortunately, they can also increase your risk of gum disease. Around half of soon-to-be-mothers experience bleeding gums or pregnancy gingivitis.

This will usually occur during the second trimester, though it can vary from woman to woman. As always, good oral hygiene can help avoid the issue, but you should consider the increased risk, and see a dentist if your gums should start to either bleed or feel inflamed.

Uneven Bite

If your pearly whites don't quite line up—whether down to crookedness, crowding, grinding, or poorly completed fillings—you might have what is known as 'bite disease'. This means that forces are being applied to the teeth, supporting gum tissue, and the bone beneath.

Biting hard will channel force to one particular area of the mouth, causing the gum to recede and the bone to start deteriorating. This creates an easy place for gum disease and the bleeding to develop.

Family History

While not a condition in itself, there is a genetic component to periodontal disease. If you do have a family history, it doesn't mean you'll definitely develop it, you simply need to remain a little more vigilant. If you don't know whether this is the case or not, it is possible to arrange a DNA test through your dentist, although this is considered an extreme response to the possibility.

If you do know that you have a history, inform your dentist if any inflammation or soreness occurs, even if there is no extra bleeding, and be extra sure to keep brushing and flossing.


You might have noticed that your dentist will typically ask if you're taking any medications before they carry out even a routine inspection. This is due to the fact that many prescription medications can increase the risk of developing bleeding gums.

Anticonvulsants (which prevent or reduce seizures) can cause swelling, while immuno-suppressants and blood pressure drugs can cause inflammation or dry mouth. Even antihistamines and anti-depressants can reduce the amount of saliva which flows to the mouth, which means that food debris isn't washed away and acids aren't neutralised. Make sure you understand whether any medication which you take could affect your oral health.

Remember, even though bleeding gums might seem manageable, they often indicate an underlying problem which needs to be taken care of by your dentist. For more information, consult clinics like Pakington Dental Care.
